« Keynote Address by Ian Gray, Chief Magistrate, Victoria JOIN brings Victorian Courts into 21st Century |
| How did we ever live without SharePoint? by Jason Schoolmeester, Solicitor for the NT »
- Outlined the basic info environment:
- 85% Criminal.
- no District court in NT - this work handled by Mags court.
- jurisdiction covers vast area with remote and tiny communities - must fly between locations.
- circuit courts sit 1 day per month (or up to 4 days) in temporary accommodations.
- Only 22 Acts passed by NT government in 2009.
- Outlined the basic info needs of the judiciary:
- legislation most needed resource.
- current legislation, repealed legislation and point in time legislation.
- Need to know what legislation and penalties where in force at the time of the offence.
- History of meeting info need:
- Hard copy legislation received via Post and marked up by hand to reflect amendments.
- Got a computer in the court with internet - Downloaded latest version of legislation and printed in hard copy and accessed via lever Arch files.
- In those days the practice was to carry client files and the most recent copies of legislation from Darwin to the circuit courts, which was dangerous and expensive.
- 15 pieces of legislation accounted for 90% of what he'd need.
- Developed Lotus Notes database of Current and historical acts - included every reprint and amendment act.
- Now had laptop for circuit courts - stored client files, stored copy of latest version of LN database.
- This system worked well for some time.
- Modern technology and modern mobile phone coverage has enabled Government LAN via a laptop, using a mobile broadband rated modem.
- Moved to a web-based system via Outlook and IE
- Problems with synchronisation because using older version of IE and 2003.
- Now online to www via modem at circuit courts.
- This combination allows Magistrates to have remote access to all online subscription and internet based resources at all circuit court locations, including remote communities, as are available in chambers.